HIV and Sexual Health

We are dedicated to meeting the needs of those living with HIV in Southern Illinois as well as providing a variety of sexual health services.

Disclaimer:  Content may not be appropriate for all ages/audiences.

Our Mission

To care for and guide people living with HIV through various social and medical services

To empower clients to be as self-sufficient and health conscious as possible

To educate, refer and encourage client responsibility through active program participation

To actively prevent the further spread of HIV and STIs with testing and treatment

To make the most effective use of current resources while pursuing other funding sources 

Southern Illinois HIV Care Connect

Located at Jackson County Health Department. SIHCC offers case management to help you navigate systems of care and resources, medication assistance, medical appointments, dental services, mental health and substance mis-use referrals, emergency food and nutritional supplements, utility and rental assistance. All services are dependent on eligibility and funding.

The Southern Illinois HIV Care Connect serves individuals who are HIV+ and live in one of the 19 southern counties (pink area of the map). Please call 1-877-745-1424 or email for program enrollment or general questions.

If you reside in one of the other statewide service areas, contact HIV Care Connect for additional information.

Our Services


Jackson County Health Department has an on-site PrEP clinic and actively partners with local providers to offer PrEP.


Become active in the fight against HIV by volunteering and promoting various program activities. Contact:

Provider and Community Education

Risk reduction education and provider trainings are available to work sites, schools, healthcare agencies and community groups.

Sexual Health

Sexual Health Services are available to anyone age 12 and older. You do not need to be a Jackson County Resident. Comprehensive STD testing is available for only $20. Appointments include: Risk reduction education, comprehensive STD testing, and treatment.
Services for HIV+

You Deserve To Be Safer

Important condom information:

• Store condoms in a cool, dry place and check the expiration date.

• Use only latex or polyurethane condoms.

• Don’t use natural skin condoms because HIV can pass through these.

• Leave space at the tip of the condom for the cum, but be sure to pinch out any air from the tip

• Use ONLY water-based lubricants with latex condoms. Never use any lube that contains oil or petroleum. These definitely destroy latex.

• Right after cumming, hold the condom firmly at the base and withdraw.

• Never use the same condom more than one time.

Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis

Did you know there is a once a day pill that is being prescribed to reduce the likelihood of contracting HIV? Sexually active adults and adolescents can significantly reduce the chance of HIV being transmitted to them.  Studies show that PrEP can reduce the risk of getting HIV from sex by at least 90% and injection drug use by 70% when used correctly and consistently!

Jackson County Health Department has an on-site PrEP clinic and actively partners with local providers to offer PrEP. Medicaid and most private insurance companies cover this medication. Prescription assistance programs are available to reduce or eliminate out of pocket costs. Our staff can assist in enrolling in these programs.

If you or someone you know could benefit from this exciting new breakthrough, please call our office at (618)-684-3143, ext. 155.

Dental Health Services

Preventative services available. Therapeutic services available through a pre-approval basis for those who meet program guidelines.

Transportation Services

Expenses may be reimbursed for HIV and program related travel.

Supportive Food Services

Nutritional supplements and food vouchers are available for those who meet program guidelines.

Medical Case Management

Provides access to HIV health care and assists individuals as they navigate through social services and other referrals. Case managers also help their clients develop and maintain the highest level of independent living possible. This service is available regardless of income.

Outpatient Medical Services

Available though qualified physicians and other professionals. Assistance in obtaining HIV health care and HIV related medication is available.

Mental Health Support

Referrals available to all clients who meet program guidelines.

Treatment Adherence

Available to all clients who need support maintaining daily medication regimens and consistent healthcare visits.

Client Representative Peer Navigator

Talk to someone who understands and can promote support to those living with HIV.

Housing and Utility Assistance

Partial housing and utility support for those who meet program guidelines.

Sexual Health Action Team

The Sexual Health Action Team is one of ten action teams supporting the work of the Jackson County Health Communities Coalition (JCHCC), whose mission is; 

“To serve as a catalyst for improving the health and overall quality of life of Jackson County residents” 

The coalition is comprised of working professionals, representing healthcare systems, academic institutions, community-based organizations and Jackson County Health Department 

Request More Information



Rainbow Café 



Med Disposal

Jackson County has free condoms for individuals and community based organizations, stop by or call 618-684-3143 Ext. 170.

Free Condoms at the following locations:

Contact Us

For more information, contact: 

Jackson County Health Department 
Southern Illinois HIV Care Connect 
P.O. Box 307 
Murphysboro, IL 62966
618-684-3143 ext. 155

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