HIV and Sexual Health Trainings 

JCHD offers various forms of trainings for schools and organizations that are interested in expanding and sharing knowledge on the best ways to prevent and protect against HIV and STDs.

Contact Philip Partridge at for more information or to schedule a training.

For Medical Providers 

HIV and Sexual Health 

Participants in this 1.5-hour interactive class will explore the Southern Illinois Care Connect program for individuals with an HIV diagnosis, including benefits for the patient and provider. Additional Topics include: Taking a comprehensive sexual health survey, the prevention tools PrEP and PEP, an update of regional STI infection trends, and improving patient outcomes through linkage to care treatment adherence and retention. 

For Social Service and Long-Term Care Organizations

HIV and Sexual Health 

Participants in this 1-hour interactive class will identify best practices in caring for individuals living with HIV in community and residential care settings. Sexual Health Surveys are highlighted as the first step in assessing the need for prevention items such as PrEP/PEP and regular condom use. Additionally, caregivers will examine sexual health stigma and identify methods that encourage knowledge-based conversations. For long-term care settings, the class will include a focus on HIV and successful aging.

For Schools and Organizations

Sexual Health 101

Participants in this 1-hour interactive class will learn how pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), condoms, and treatment as prevention will reduce the transmission of sexually transmitted infections and safeguard sexual health. Additionally, participants will heighten their awareness of sexual health stigma and explore methods that encourage knowledge-based conversations.


The National Coalition for Sexual Health

Human Rights Campaign: Welcoming Schools

PlushCare: Online PrEP Resource

Jackson County Sexual Health Action Team: TikTok Videos

Ready, set, PreP

Advocates for Youth